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Contact Contact


All pre-registration forms, abstracts and correspondence concerning on the International Symposium on Modern Technologies and Long-term Behavior of Dams should be sent to Secretariat as the following;

Ms. Yao Zhang

Secretariat of the International Symposium on Modern Technologies and Long-term Behavior of Dams

Chinese National Committee on Large Dams

Room 1260, IWHR Building A, A1 Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100038, P.R. China

Tel: +86-10-68785106       Fax: +86-10-68712208    

Email: chincold@126.com 



  Important Dates

20 June 2011
30 June 2011
30 July 2011
Deadline for full papers
Acceptance/revision of papers
Final acceptance of papers




· Japan Commission on Large Dams
· Korean National Committee on Large Dams
· Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research
· Henan Water & Power Consulting Engineering Co.,Ltd.
· North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

  Technical Exhibition

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