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Route from Airport to the Hotel
Second bulletin
Formal Registration


Developing countries such as China, Iran and Turkey are being at the heart of dam construction and hydropower development in the world. Many challenging problems, arising in the dam construction, are well solved, while the summary and integration of those pathbreaking technologies is lagging. On the other hand, many early built dams in the world have been operated for years, some over 50 years or even 100 years, and hence some problems like aging and cracks begin to appear, which urgently need to be solved. To provide a platform for engineers and scientists to present and exchange their successful experiences in dam construction, management and rehabilitation, Chinese National Committee on Large Dams... >>MORE

  Main Topics

• Methods of Design and Analysis for Dams
• Environment-friendly Technologies for Dam construction
• Long-term Operation and Maintenance of Dams
• Dam Rehabilitation and Upgrade
• Dam Safety Assessment and Risk Management
• Reservoir Management
• Others related to dams and reservoirs

  Welcome to Zhengzhou

Zhengzhou is the capital city of Henan province, China, which serves as the political, economic, technological, and educational centre of the province, as well as being a major transportation hub for Central China. The city lies on the southern bank of the Yellow River, about 760 km south of Beijing... >>MORE


All pre-registration forms, abstracts and correspondence concerning on the International Symposium on Modern Technologies and Long-term Behavior of Dams should be sent to Secretariat as the following;

Ms. Yao Zhang
Secretariat of the International Symposium on Modern Technologies and Long-term Behavior of Dams
Chinese National Committee on Large Dams
Room 1260, IWHR Building A, A1 Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100038, P.R. China
Tel: +86-10-68785106 Fax: +86-10-68712208
Email: chincold@126.com
Website: www.chincold.org.cn

  Important Dates

20 June 2011
30 June 2011
30 July 2011
Deadline for full papers
Acceptance/revision of papers
Final acceptance of papers




· Japan Commission on Large Dams
· Korean National Committee on Large Dams
· Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research
· Henan Water & Power Consulting Engineering Co.,Ltd.
· North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

  Technical Exhibition

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