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发布时间: 2005-05-10 来源: 作者: 访问次数:
国际大坝委员会亚太地区分会于2005年5月5日在伊朗德黑兰召开的第73届年会期间举行,会议由中国大坝工程学会代表郭军女士和日本大坝委员会的Sayama先生共同主持。中国大坝工程学会副秘书长、国际大坝委员会副主席贾金生先生至开幕词,国际大坝委员会副主席Yoon Yong-Nam代表国际大坝委员会致辞。贾金生先生简要介绍了本次年会准备和论文收录的情况,对各国积极参与地区分会表示感谢。会议分两个阶段进行,第一阶段由各国家代表发言,第二阶段为论文交流。





Meeting Minute on the Asia Pacific Group Session, May 5, 2005

The Asia Pacific Group Session is held on the May 5 2005 in Tehran during the 73th annual meeting. More than 70 delegates from 10 countries attended the session, which are China, Korea, Japan, Iran, India, Indonesia, Australia, Lebanon, Thailand, Pakistan. Ms. Jun GUO from China and Mr. Ninoru SAYAMA chaired the session. The proceeding of the papers is distributed during the session.

Dr. Jinsheng JIA from China, the Chairman of Asia and Pacific Group of ICOLD and vice president of ICOLD, gives the opening address and he summarizes the preparing work and paper received for this session. He also thanks the support on this session from Asia and pacific countries. The Professor Yong-Nan Yoon from Korea, Vice president of ICOLD and Mr. B. FARHANGI from IRCOLD give the guest speeches. The representatives from 10 countries have a short speech also.

The 5 people from China, Japan, Korea, Lebanon present their papers, which include The environmental achievement on Three Gorges Project construction from China, Current technological status in dam construction by using M-Y MIXER (Japan), issues and activities on Multipurpose dam construction and management (Korea), Construction of DEDURU OYA Dam (Lebanon), New mixing method for dam concrete: double mixing (Japan). The delegates have also had a very fruitful discussion.

Dr. Jia gives the closing address. He suggests that the achievement from the different countries on dam construction and management on the past time would be the main topic for the next session of Asia and Pacific Group of ICOLD in order to change the information among the countries, the comments will be discussed by email.

Representatives from China, Thailand and Japan have the lunch together

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