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I. Topics for Hydropower 2013——CHINCOLD 2013 Annual Meeting

1. Design Construction & Monitoring of High Dams

2. Safety Assessment and Rehabilitation Technology of Dams

3. Sustainable Development of Hydropower & Dams

1)  Environment-friendly Technologies for Dam Construction

2)  Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs

3)  Practice in Reservoir Resettlement

4.  Others

II. Topics for the 3rd International Symposium on Rockfill Dams

1.  General (project introduction, history, cases and experiences of Rockfill Dams)

2.  Design and analysis

3.  Construction materials and methods

4.  Operation, performance and safety monitoring

5.  Super-high CFRD dams and earth-core Rockfill dams (H≥200 m)

6.  Seismic safety of Rockfill dams

7.  Others

III.  Evaluation and Award of International Mile Stone Projects to Rockfill Dams

Evaluation and Award of International Mile Stone Projects to Rockfill Dams have been done during the first and second symposiums. Similar Evaluation and Award will be organized during the third symposium.



  Important Dates

August 31 2013 Deadline for receipt of full papers




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