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International Conference of Hydropower 2006

(Oct 23-25, 2006, Kunming CHINA)



ISSUE 1: Design and Construction of High Arch Dams
ISSUE 2: Dam Safety Evaluation and Reinforcement Techniques
ISSUE 3: Dam and Environment
ISSUE 4: Reservoir Sedimentation and Downstream River Erosion

Addresses and Keynote Speeches

Opening address
Mr. Youmei LU, President of CHINCOLD

Opening Addresses
HU Siyi, Vice Minister of Ministry of Water Resources, China

Opening address
Mr. M. Wieland, Chairman of Committee on Seismic Aspects of ICOLD

Opening address
Mr. LI Jungen, President of China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Corporation

Opening address
Dr. KUANG Shangfu, President of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

Develop Hydroenergy Resources and Protect Earth Environment
Mr. Youmei LU, China

Discussions on Construction and Type Selection of China high Dams
Mr. ZHOU Jianping

The 250 m High Derier Arch Dam in Turkey and Its Seismic Stability under the Maximum Credible Earthquake
Dr. Martin Wieland, Switzerland

Key Techniques of Xiaowan Hydropower Project
Mr. CAI Shaokuan, China

Exploration on Ecological Regulation of the Reservoirs
Ms. CAI Qihua, China

Ideas and Practice of Seismic Safety Evaluation of High Arch Dams in China
CHEN Houqun, China

Multi-Objective Ecological Operations of Reservoirs
DONG Zheren, China

Environmental Consideration on Japans Dam Construction

World’s Biggest Tidal Power Project in KOREA
Woogu Kim, Korea

Progress in Study of Failure Analysis and Safety Evaluation for High Arch Dams
REN Qingwen, China


>>See the Details


(Publish Time: 2006-10-25 10:04)

Chinese National Committee on Large Dams   Room 1260, IWHR Building A, A1 Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100038, P.R. China Tel: +86-10-68435228 Fax: +86-10-68712208
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