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International Symposium on Modern Technology of Dams

(Oct 12-14, 2007, Chengdu CHINA)


Part I: Keynote speeches
Part II: Coexistence of the Environment and dams
Part III: Effective utilization of existing dams
Part IV: Dam Safety Development
Part V: New Technical progress on high dams

Keynote Speeches

Scientific Development Perspective Stressing Comprehensiveness, Coordination, and Sustainability: a Must-be for Western Hydropower”
FAN Qixiang, China

keynote speech by Dr. Sakamoto, Japan
Hydropower Development and Environment Protection on the Yalong River
CHEN Yunhua, China

Paradigm Shift of Dam Policy in Korea
Kyung Taek YUM, Korea

Studies on Fengman and Xiaowan Projects
Jia Jinsheng, China

Dam safety development in Sweden in an international context
Urban Norstedt, Sweden

Building up Environment-Harmonious Xiangjiaba Hydropower Project by Innovated Management
Yan Yuanjun, China

Expanding Flood Control Functions of Existing Dams
Hiroshi Minobe, Japan

New Strategies for Dam Safety Management in Korea
Un-Il Baek, Korea

High Projects designed by Chengdu Hydropower Investigation, Design & Research Institute
WANG Renkun, China

MTO-perspectives on dam safety
Carl Rollenhagen, Sweden

Construction of Environment-friendly Hydropower Projects in Keeping Pace with Time,
LI Jugen, China

Utilization of Reservoir Sediment of the Existing Dam (Yokoyama Dam) for Tokuyama Dam Construction Materials
Kentarou KIDO, Japan

Support Program for the surrounding areas of Dam Construction,
Park Won Cheol, Korea

Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams, Failure Mechanism and Strengthening by Adding a D/S Berm
Åke Nilsson, Sweden

>>See the Details

(Publish Time: 2007-10-13 10:21)

Chinese National Committee on Large Dams   Room 1260, IWHR Building A, A1 Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100038, P.R. China Tel: +86-10-68435228 Fax: +86-10-68712208
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