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El Cajón Dam in Mexico

El Cajon Dam, located at a distance of 250 km to the Northwest of Guadalajara City, the second in importance of Mexico, is the highest CFRD built in México with maximum dam height of 188m and crest length of 550m. Rockfill volume was about 10.3 million m3. The covered area by the concrete face slab reached 107 000 m2. The design of the concrete face was carried out using fillers between joints to minimize spalling for the first time. Performance after reservoir filling is excellent.

Based on instrumental data and periodic inspections, no evidence of excessive movement occurred in the joints and slabs of the concrete face. The main deformations are located in the central zone of the concrete face, without compromising the integrity of the slabs and joints. The highest leakage recorded was 247 l/s during first impounding in January, 2007. Currently, the flow is approximately 40 l/s.

The project is owned by Comisión Federal de Electricidad.

(Publish Time: 2010-04-07 15:10)

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