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Foz do Areia Dam in Brazil

Foz do Areia dam in Brazil was the highest dam (160 m) and the largest in rockfill volume (14,000,000 m3) by the time of construction. It was also the first CFRD with a big reservoir, about 6 billion m3 of total volume, without outlets provision for emptying the reservoir.

Techniques of compacting rockfill and designing the joints were improved and had a great step forward. Productions of rockfill placing were higher than 500.000 m3 /month during two consecutive years.

Treatment of the downstream slope was executed in such a way as to ensure a face in accordance with the project’s theoretical requirements, with minimal deviations. This gives an exceptional pleasing appearance.

The reservoir filling started in 1980 and has operated in good performance. The maximum leakage discharge recorded reached 236 l/s after reservoir filling and decreased to a steady rate of 80 l/s later on. Both the percolation values and their evolution confirm the excellent performance of the waterstop system. The good performance of Foz do Areia Dam enhanced the confidence in CFRD and was greatly responsible for its international acceptance.

The project is owned by Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL.

(Publish Time: 2010-04-07 15:04)

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